Sleep: The Most Important Part of Your Day

Sleep is an essential part of life. It’s been said that without sleep, it’s nearly impossible to have a healthy and productive day. Scientifically speaking, sleep is necessary for health and cognitive function.

More importantly, many studies point out the importance of not getting enough sleep which can lead to early death. In this article, you’ll be introduced to the science behind sleep and its importance in our daily lives.

What is Sleep?

Sleep is one of the most important parts of your day. It’s when your body and brain rest and recover. When you get enough sleep, you feel better and are more productive the next day.

How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Most people need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night to feel best. However, everyone is different and some people may need more or less sleep than that. If you’re not getting the amount of sleep you need, try to adjust your habits gradually over time.

A good rule of thumb is to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day for a week to see how you feel. In the event you still don’t feel well, consider trying cannabis products like those you can find here or supplements that can help induce sleep. If they aren’t helping either, you could talk to your doctor about getting tested for a sleep disorder.

How Does the Brain Work During Sleep?

The brain works best when getting the sleep it needs. When you are sleep-deprived, your ability to think clearly and make good decisions is hindered. Even small amounts of sleep deprivation can significantly impact your ability to function at work or school.

During sleep, the brain consolidates memories from the day and builds new links between them. It also creates new neural connections, which help the brain learn and remember new information. When you are sleepy, your attention span is also increased, so you can better focus on tasks that require concentration.

Finally, during sleep, the body repairs itself and restores energy. This is why it is important to get enough sleep every night.

Why Do We Sleep?

Sleep allows our body to heal and restore itself, and helps us think more clearly. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need around seven hours of sleep a night. However, not everyone gets the same amount of sleep each night. Some people may need more while others may need less.

The reason for this varies from person to person. Here are some reasons why some people might need more sleep than others:

1. People with a chronic health condition like arthritis or asthma may be able to get by on less sleep because their body needs more time to rest and heal.

2. People who work full-time may struggle to get enough sleep because they often have long shifts or multiple jobs that keep them busy all day.

3. Children under the age of 12 typically require about 11 hours of sleep each night, but this can vary depending on their age and activity level.

4. Some medications can make it hard for people to fall asleep, especially if they are taking antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications.

How to Improve Your Sleep?

Too little sleep can lead to problems such as fatigue, impaired judgment, and increased stress levels. It’s crucial to get the right amount of sleep each night to feel alert and productive during the day. Improving your night’s sleep can involve trying different approaches, from experimenting with cannabis strains using blunt wraps from looseleaf (or other methods) to avoiding caffeine and enjoying calming music. So, let’s explore the details of how you can enhance your sleep

Establish a Regular Bedtime and Wake Up Time

The best way to figure out when you should be sleeping and waking up is by experimenting for yourself. Try doing the same thing for seven days, going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time. After that, see how you feel.

Use Medication

There are various options available to address sleep issues, ranging from over-the-counter sleep aids to prescription medications. These medications can help regulate sleep patterns, promote relaxation, and alleviate insomnia symptoms. In some cases, medical marijuana may be prescribed for certain sleep disorders and you could get it delivered to your home by ordering it online (learn more about it). Consult a medical professional on usage and dosage, and remember to do your research.

Avoid Caffeine Before Bed

Caffeine makes it hard for your body to fall asleep and can keep you awake throughout the night. If you’re struggling to fall asleep, try drinking chamomile or lavender tea before bed instead of coffee.

Keep Bedbugs Away

A commonly overlooked problem that many tend to neglect is the presence of bed bugs. Not only do these tiny critters disturb your sleep, but can also cause you to develop allergic reactions, stress, skin irritation, and many more issues. So, you’d want to ensure that you debug your bed if you ever notice a tiny bug trying to crawl its way into the corner. These pests tend to multiply rapidly and can get annoyingly difficult to get rid of.

Make Sure Your Room is Dark and Quiet When You Go to Bed

Exposure to bright light in the evening makes it difficult for your brain to relax and fall asleep. If noise from outside is a problem, consider using earplugs or investing in a sound machine that will drown out outside noise during the night.

Get Moving Before Bedtime

Taking a 30-minute walk before going to bed has been shown to help people fall asleep more easily because it helps stimulate the production of serotonin, which is known as a brain chemical that promotes relaxation.

Keep a Cool Head at Night by Avoiding Alcohol and Cigarettes Before Bed

Both substances can make falling asleep hard and stay asleep because they can increase anxiety levels. If you do drink or smoke before bed, try to limit yourself to moderate amounts.

Avoid Working or Using Electronics in Bed

Screen time in the evening can prevent you from winding down and getting sound sleep.

Many can go wrong during the day, but if you’re not getting enough sleep, likely, everything will simply fall apart. Lack of sleep has been shown to lead to weight gain and increased insulin resistance, which can cause all sorts of health problems down the road.

Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, and if you struggle to do so, talk to your doctor about ways that you can improve your sleep habits.

Eskimo Survival: How Eskimos Survive In The Ice

You may have seen Eskimos in the wild, but do you know how they survive in the cold? They survive by gripping onto the ice to slow their speed and prevent them from getting wet. These are just some of the many survival methods that real Eskimos use to stay alive in freezing temperatures.

How Do Eskimos Survive in the Cold?

Eskimos have been living in the Arctic for thousands of years and are considered to be one of the most culturally diverse groups of people on Earth. They are known for their unique way of life, which includes living in tents on ice floes. Also, they are known for their unique music, clothing, and artwork.

Eskimos have a unique physiology that allows them to survive in colder climates. Their thick skin, fur, and hair help keep them warm while their low body temperature prevents them from freezing. Eskimo hunting and gathering is the traditional way of life for these people, and they use tools made out of animal parts (like the bow and arrow) to catch food. 

Factors in Eskimo Survival

Eskimo survival depends on many factors, including weather, food, and clothing.

  • Weather: Weather is one of the most important factors in Eskimo survival. The temperature and humidity can be very different in the Arctic than elsewhere in the world. In addition, weather conditions can change quickly. If it’s cold outside but there’s a storm brewing, for example, you may end up spending the night indoors without enough clothes to protect you from the weather.
  • Food: Eskimos depend heavily on animals for food. They hunt seals, whales, and other creatures that live in or near the water. Some of these animals are hunted using traditional methods such as throwing a harpoon at an animal from a boat. Others are hunted using more modern methods such as netting and trapping animals with pens or cages.
  • Clothing: Clothing is another important factor in Eskimo survival. When it’s cold outside and there’s snow on the ground, you need something to keep you warm and dry. You also need clothes to protect you from rain or wind when it’s warmer outside. 

Eskimo survival depends on many factors, including weather, food, and clothing.

Why Do Eskimos Live In Such Harsh Conditions?

Eskimos have a long and storied history of surviving in harsh conditions. They live on the Arctic coast, where temperatures can drop to -50 degrees Celsius (-58 degrees Fahrenheit). The cold temperatures, thick ice, and unpredictable weather make life very difficult for Eskimos.

One important factor that contributes to Eskimo survival is their culture. Eskimos are a very communal people. They live in small groups called igloos and rely on each other for shelter, food, and protection from the weather. This community spirit allows them to adapt to changing conditions quickly.

Eskimo traditions also play an important role in their survival. For example, they use seal skin tents as shelters instead of traditional houses because they can be quickly assembled in inclement weather. And they eat blubber rather than meat because it’s tough and provides plenty of calories even when frozen. Overall, Eskimos have developed a strong survival skill set that has helped them survive in harsh conditions for centuries.

What Is a Typical Day for an Eskimo?

In the Arctic, Eskimos are known as the best friends of the ice. They have adapted to living in this harsh climate and use their unique lifestyle and way of life to survive. Eskimo culture revolves around hunting, fishing, and gathering food. Their traditional way of life is based on subsistence farming and hunting.

Eskimos live in small villages that are spread out across the tundra. Each village is divided into families who usually live in close proximity to each other. Houses are made from ice blocks that are cut from the surrounding glaciers. Eskimo families typically have between six and twelve members, with an average size of nine people.

The traditional Eskimo diet consists mainly of meat, fish, and game animals such as caribou. They also eat seal blubber, whale skin, berries, roots, flowers, and mushrooms. In order to preserve food for long periods of time, they often dry or freeze it.

Eskimos use a variety of tools to survive in the Arctic climate including sleds, tents, clothing made from animal skins and fur, snowshoes, spears/arrows/poles/guns/knives, etc., kayaks/canoes, etc., and igloos (made from blocks of ice). 

A typical day for an Eskimo might start with waking up early to catch the sunrise. They will then go out hunting or fishing, returning home late in the day to cook their dinner. After dinner, they might play games or spend time with family. Eskimos typically retire early to sleep in their warm homes.

How Does Bullying Affect Mental Health?

When we think about bullying behavior, we are probably sent back to a time in our lives when we would be on the playground and kids would taunt others, pull their hair, and call them names.

Unfortunately, as time has gone on and social media platforms have become a lot more mainstream and used by the younger generation, bullying has adapted to a new climate, creating serious mental health issues for children and young adults.

It can even affect children who are younger than school age. There are some children in preschool, who are experiencing bullying from their classmates. Whilst this is horrific to learn, being aware of what is going on is the first step for adults to come in and sort out this issue. It may turn out that talking to those who are bullying and those who are being bullied can help, but in some cases, moving them physically to a new class or school is better. Parents can look at Child Care in Reston, VA, or other areas to find a suitable educational environment for their child, but, it is highly essential to get to the root of the issue before it escalates.

In this article, we will explore the impact of bullying on mental health and how bullying can cause mental health problems for young people as well as older generations.

What Different Types of Bullying Are There?

Bullying is never a one-note issue, it has expanded over the years from in-person to online, and because of this shift, bullied children and others are exposed to a lot of hate from physical bullying to digital bullying.

Verbal Bullying

This type of bullying is all about the words used by the bully. A bully will insult, tease, and call people names, as well as go around spreading rumors, using offensive words, and it can turn into them verbally threatening individuals too.

They will likely use slurs that are homophonic, racial, or ableist. They can get other bullies to join in as well taunting the individual and making them feel like they are an outcast which can cause low self-esteem.

Physical Bullying

This type of bullying is extreme with a bully hurting the person by tripping, punching, slapping, and pinching them.

This can also turn sexual in some cases, with bullies doing unwanted and non-consensual acts on someone.

Cyberbullying/Digital Bullying

Using social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat as well as using text messages or WhatsApp to bully and harass people.

They may post about someone online, write comments underneath posts, and just constantly use that space as a tool to harass and demean someone.

What is The Impact of Bullying?

The effects of bullying on individuals will vary, some people may brush off bullying tactics or give it back to them so they are not seen as backing down.

However, when it comes to sensitive children, that can be a lot harder to do as they are unable to stand up for themselves and back down causing them poor mental health.

Short-Term Effects of Bullying

If someone is just starting to be bullied online or in person, then they may experience things such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Self Harm
  • Suicidal Behavior/Suicidal Thoughts
  • Sleep Problems

After a while, a child may get used to the bullying and act like they are not bothered or just go about their day, however, it is still hugely affecting them, and over time the long-term consequences can be worse and it can lead into adulthood.

Long-Term Effects of Bullying

Being bullied at a young age can have a considerable effect on someone’s mental health, and as they get older this doesn’t change, in fact, it can cause them issues in their personal life and have an increased risk of mental health problems.

  • Panic Disorder
  • Depression
  • Loneliness
  • Generalized Anxiety
  • Agoraphobia
  • Social Anxiety

More can happen to them, and they may start showing mental and behavioral problems in school and other settings.

The Mental Health Effects on Bullies and Those Who Are Bullied

On the outside looking in, we shun the bully and put all the blame on them for being this way, when there is a lot more behind the reason why they bully.

Those who are bullied are getting awful treatment because of mental health bullying which is taking a serious toll on their emotional health and physical health.

Bullies can be acting out this way because they might be getting bullied at home by their parent or guardian, and because they are young there is a power imbalance that can bleed into the schoolyard.

Children who are both bullies and are bullied are known to have a lot of struggles when they reach adulthood with them having higher rates of substance abuse, schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression, compared to children who are bullies or being bullied.

Bullying Prevention Strategies

In every school in the United States, there is a requirement to have bullying prevention programs to help with dissuading people from bullying as well as what children need to look out for.

However, despite this being put in place, one in every five students has said that they have been bullied by someone.

Unfortunately, the reason why this is so big is because of the way children communicate nowadays, and a lot of the sites they go on are not monitored properly, plus, many young children have smartphones which are opening them up to these worlds.

There are things that can be done, but not all of them are going to have a serious effect outside of the school grounds, more has to change in the online world for it to have an impact.

Positive School Climates

Building relationships among students is important in school, and investing time and care into these can help students who are being bullied know that they are not alone and that they are able to get the help they need when a school shows that.

Open Communication at Home

Schools and parents need to work together to help kids open up when they are at home and know that they are being listened to and not brushed aside.

So many children will not speak up for fear of retaliation by their bullies or having their parents react in a bad way and get mad at the situation.

It is essential that parents keep a cool head and show their child that they are there to listen and to understand what they are going through as well as go over some ways that can help them feel more secure and happier in and outside of school.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

If you are the one being bullied and you have been trying to find ways that you can help yourself, then here are a few things that you can think about so you don’t feel like you are at a loss.

You Are Not Alone

This may not be the breakthrough that you were hoping for, but these words are true. You are not alone in going through this.

Many others will deal with this like you have, you may even not know that the adults you know now could have been bullying victims.

You are not the problem, this is not your fault. You did not ask for this to happen and you are not doing anything to rile them up, they are this way, and you got caught in their crosshairs.

Things will get better, you can and you will fight through this. You deserve to see yourself flourish and heal.

Talk to Someone

A trusted adult or friend will help you a lot as holding it inside can make you feel a lot worse about this situation.

You may be worried about telling anyone, but, if you don’t then this can keep going on for a while and you have every right to take a stand and show them that you are not someone who is going to take their abuse lying down.

Speak to a Mental Health Professional

Speaking to experienced therapists available at Goal Coach (click here if you wish to learn more about them) and similar platforms can help you in processing your emotions and improving your perspective on what you’re experiencing.

The experts can give you an outlet and help you develop coping skills that will support you on bad days and aid you in managing whatever comes at you without you feeling overwhelmed.

There are many forms of therapy available, so talk to your school about any that they can offer you through their bullying prevention programs, or speak to your parents about seeing a therapist who deals exclusively with young adults/children so you can get targeted help.


How does bullying affect mental health? Quite severely in some cases, that is why it is essential that people recognize the signs of someone being bullied and offers them as much help as possible.

Schools and parents working together can help protect children from these problems and make them feel like they are not alone or a burden.